Kayleigh Harrigan May 24, 23 . 5 min

78. Everything you need to know about freeze drying your breastmilk – Kayleigh Harrigan

" ...we are in a era of formula shortages; climate change is producing unpredictable weather patterns, natural disasters and power outages; consumers are down-sizing and don’t have room for a second chest freezer and the AAP has recently changed their guidelines to recommend breast milk for a minimum of 2 years - it is no wonder parents are turning to freeze drying to protect their hard earned liquid gold. "

Informed Pregnancy and Parenting Project May 23, 23 . 34 min

77. Ep. 336 – Natalie Dreyfuss: After Birth – Informed Pregnancy Podcast

Elliot: Welcome to the Informed Pregnancy Podcast. I'm your host, pregnancy-focused chiropractor, Dr. Elliot Berlin.

Jenna Pastuszek May 17, 23 . 6 min

76. Pump Life – Jenna Pastuszek

"And oh the places I pumped! From the bathroom stall at my dentist’s office, to my car, to the hotel balcony at our resort in Hawaii, to off camera during zoom calls, to my JetBlue middle seat between two very confused businessmen, I diligently never missed a session."

Greer Kirshenbaum, PhD May 10, 23 . 4 min

75. Nurturing Touch in the First Three Years Promotes Lifelong Mental Wellness – Greer Kirshenbaum, PhD

" Instinctively, parents want to be in contact with their children—it’s why leaving your baby alone to cry can feel so painful. It is painful, for both parents and children. If you have been denying yourself and your baby that close attention, be assured that being in touch with your baby as much as possible is a healthy biological drive and, importantly, provides essential brain-building experiences."

Informed Pregnancy and Parenting Project May 09, 23 . 30 min

74. Ep. 335 – Natalie Dreyfuss: Before Birth – The Informed Pregnancy Podcast

Elliot: Welcome to the Informed Pregnancy and Parenting Podcast. I'm your host, pregnancy-focused chiropractor, Dr. Elliot Berlin.

Rani Khanna May 03, 23 . 6 min

73. Birth Doula – Film Doula Birthing a film as a doula – Rani Khanna

"Birth is a very intimate human interaction which cannot adhere to any prescribed formula, as each woman is unique and each birthing experience distinctive and special. However, care and respect are fundamentally indispensable in this equation and lay the foundations for the exchange between mother and doula." Informed Pregnancy+ is Dr. Elliot Berlin’s brand new multi platform streaming channel dedicated to pregnancy, postpartum and parenting. The Filmmakers Spotlight blog series features creators whose work is showcased on the channel. To learn more or sign up for a yearly or monthly subscription, click here!

Shelly Fenig, DCHM Apr 26, 23 . 4 min

72. Suffering from Morning Sickness and Nausea? Homeopathy Can Help! – Shelly Fenig, DCHM

"The same condition in several people could be treated by different remedies for each person, because homeopathy doesn’t treat the condition per se, but rather, treats the individual, taking into account the specific symptomatology which each person presents. "

Elizabeth Krasnoff, PhD Apr 19, 23 . 4 min

71. Ten-Minute Mommy Recharge – Dr. Elizabeth Krasnoff, PhD

" It can be difficult to take a nap when your mind is racing. Doctors have found that binaural beats can change the brain’s production of delta waves. Delta is the brainwave frequency that causes a person to fall asleep."

Informed Pregnancy and Parenting Project Apr 18, 23 . 24 min

70. Ep. 332 – Square Baby, 3 of 3: The Stages of Baby’s Nutrition – Informed Pregnancy Podcast

Elliot: Welcome to the Informed Pregnancy and Parenting Podcast. I’m your host, a pregnancy-focused chiropractor, Dr. Elliot Berlin. You’ve tuned

Susan Martin AAHCC, CLEC, PPNE Apr 12, 23 . 5 min

69. All About The Bradley Method – Susan Martin AAHCC, CLEC, PPNE

"One of my favorite things is having people in my class who were Bradley babies themselves and are now taking a Bradley Method course to prepare for their own baby. What a testament to the wonderful impact of this childbirth preparation method!"

Informed Pregnancy and Parenting Project Apr 11, 23 . 28 min

68. Ep. 330 – Square Baby, 2 of 3: Early Allergen Introduction – Informed Pregnancy Podcast

Elliot: Welcome to the Informed Pregnancy and Parenting Podcast. I’m your host, pregnancy-focused chiropractor, Dr. Elliot Berlin. You’ve tuned in

Dr. Elliot Berlin, DC Apr 05, 23 . 4 min

67. Doggy Doulas – Dr. Elliot Berlin, DC

"It’s amazing how dogs can sense that something special is happening when labor starts. Dogs, being highly sensitive creatures, pick up on the changes in their owners' behavior and can become quite inquisitive about what is happening."

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